
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Apology, An Excuse, and A Discovery

Dearest Fellows, I am wholeheartedly ashamed that I have not posted for the past few days. I am sorry to all of those dear sweet individuals who actually care what I'm posting about (like my professor) and want to know how my research is coming. I promise to do better.

Excuse? I almost died under the load of tests, life, and OHMYGOODNESS that has been going on during this last little bit. As soon as I work out my schedule, one of my teachers throws a wrench in, and I have to reorganize times and priorities again. I'm sorry!

Discovery? I have very little applicable research to my topic. I found several books earlier, and then I started looking at different renditions of the same plays/scenes, and I got distracted from finding sources. While I was making my SOURCES page, I was looking through my old posts, and I discovered that I didn't have any applied research. I refined my topic to HOW SOUND INFLUENCES/FOCUSES THE TEXT and so some of my old findings don't even work any more. I'm starting to go through the old stuff and see what I can still use. And I'm also on the search for more research materials.

So that's what's going on with this child of inquiry. I'm looking for more, I'm looking for more consistency, and I'm promising to keep going. Thanks all.