
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two Dreams Come True...

Today, March 5th, will go down in history as the day that two of my dreams came true.

1. I was in a FLASH MOB. And not just any flash mob either. A SHAKESPEAREAN SOLILOQUY flash mob. Romeo's endless praise of Juliet while he's stalking her after the party. We did that. I'm gonna get a video of that and throw that up here. Everyone should have the privilege to not understand what we were saying in that video (there was a pretty bad echo).

2. I was in the presence of one of my idols since coming to BYU this past Fall (I'm a transfer student). I must admit that I'm a HUGE Divine Comedy fan, and I love the shoulder angels, and the crazy, marriage obsessed Provo, UT girls, and... *sigh* Matt was Juliet for us. My boyfriend Andrew and I were really excited about that. Pretty darn thrilled.

Anywho, that's one heck of an exciting way to pass off a performance requirement. I also did some sharing of the good ole Bard, since I brought two of my menfolk to fill in some manly lines for the mobbing. They were thrilled to be there, even though they're both mechanical engineers.

A HUGE SHOUT OF THANKS TO WHITNEY AND MAX for getting everything together and getting the class moving with that project. I had a great time, and I really appreciate the effort that both of you put in. :) So THANKS!

I'm editing my previous post so that it includes more information about the books' details, since Professor Burton suggested that would be a good idea. I'm perusing the books, but not a lot these past two days since I just took two tests of death and destruction. I'll be getting more into them starting on Monday, when I hope to post again.